Amendment #62 to H5150

SAPHE Standards & Sustainable Funding Report

Representatives Kane of Shrewsbury and Garlick of Needham move to amend the bill by adding the following new section:

Section XX. (a) For the purposes of this section, the term “board of health” shall include any body politic or political subdivision of the commonwealth that acts as a board of health, public health commission or a health department for a municipality; provided however, that “board of health” shall include, but not be limited to, municipal boards of health, regional health districts established under section 27B of chapter 111 of the General Laws and boards of health that share services pursuant to section 4A of chapter 40 of the General Laws.

(b)   The department of public health, in consultation with municipalities and other stakeholders, including, but not limited to, members of the Special Commission on Local and Regional and Public Health, shall establish a model uniform set of minimum local public health performance standards to ensure that every resident of the commonwealth has access to a core set of public health protections including, but not limited to, communicable disease control, public health nursing services, food and water protection, chronic disease and injury prevention, environmental public health, maternal, child and family health and access to and linkage with clinical care. The standards shall take into account national public health standards. The department shall hold at least five regional hearings throughout the commonwealth before publishing such model performance standards.

(c)   The local public health performance standards shall include: (1) workforce education, training, and credentialing standards; (2) standards for contributing data to a unified standard public health reporting system; and (3) minimum performance standards for inspections, communicable disease investigation and reporting, permitting and other local public health responsibilities as required under laws and regulations.

(d)   The department shall establish an estimated statewide sustainable local public health budget, determined as the sum of (1) estimated state supplemental funding to local boards of health necessary to meet the standards established in this section, provided that such funding estimate shall use a formula based on population, relative equalized valuations, level of cross-jurisdictional sharing and sociodemographic data, (2) estimated funding needed for the department of public health and the department of environmental protection to offer training and technical assistance for local public health staff to support them in obtaining credentials and capabilities required under the standards, (3) estimated funding and timeline needed to establish and maintain a uniform data collection and reporting system available to all boards of health, provided that such system shall support data collection and reporting related to standard responsibilities of boards of health, including inspections, code enforcement, communicable disease management, and local regulations.

(e)   The department shall provide a report on the standards and the estimated statewide sustainable local public health budget to the joint committee on public health, the house committee on ways and means, and the senate committee on ways and means no later than March 1, 2021.

(i) The standards required by this section shall not be enforceable if sufficient funds, as determined by the department under subsection (d), are not made available to local boards of health and the department.


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #62 to H5150

SAPHE Standards & Sustainable Funding Report


Mindy Domb

Natalie M. Blais

Tami L. Gouveia

Kimberly N. Ferguson

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Elizabeth A. Malia

Carmine Lawrence Gentile

Steven Ultrino

Jack Patrick Lewis

Tram T. Nguyen

Carol A. Doherty

Brian W. Murray

Timothy R. Whelan

Susan Williams Gifford

Susannah M. Whipps

Jon Santiago

Mathew J. Muratore

James K. Hawkins

Christine P. Barber

Carlos González

Michelle L. Ciccolo

David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf

Paul F. Tucker

Kate Lipper-Garabedian

Louis L. Kafka

Denise Provost

Jonathan Hecht

Paul W. Mark

Antonio F. D. Cabral

Peter Capano

Jeffrey N. Roy

Paul A. Schmid, III

Marjorie C. Decker

Mike Connolly

Carolyn C. Dykema

Kay Khan

Tommy Vitolo

Thomas M. Stanley

Natalie M. Higgins

Bradley H. Jones, Jr.

Tricia Farley-Bouvier

Aaron Vega

John H. Rogers

Patrick Joseph Kearney

Liz Miranda

Adrian C. Madaro

Danillo A. Sena

David M. Rogers

James Arciero

Harold P. Naughton, Jr.

David Allen Robertson

Michael S. Day