Amendment #632 to H5150

Proof of Identification

Mr. Boldyga of Southwick moves to amend the bill by adding the following new section:



Chapter 51 of the General Laws is amended by adding the following section: 1G "Proof of Identification"


(a) Before receiving an in-person ballot, all registered voters must show proof of identification to a qualified poll worker.

The following forms of identification are valid:

1. Massachusetts Drivers License

2. Any Massachusetts State Issued Identification Card

3. United States Passport or Passport Card


(b) Before receiving a ballot by mail, all registered voters must show proof of identification by submitting along with their application for a mail-in or absentee ballot, a copy of one of the following valid forms of identification:

1. Massachusetts Drivers License

2. Any Massachusetts State Issued Identification Card

3. United States Passport or Passport Card