Amendment #690 to H5150

Remote Learning Attendance and Participation

Ms. Peisch of Wellesley moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:


"SECTION XXXX. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, a remote learning attendance and participation tracking system adopted by a school district pursuant to 603 CMR 27.08(3)(b) shall ensure that all students engage in remote learning meaningfully and substantially participate in their remote learning. Such tracking system shall also account for: (i) students with extended absences; (ii) efforts made by the district to contact each parent or guardian of a student with an extended absence; and (iii) rates of chronic absenteeism. Each district shall report attendance and participation information, presented at both the school- and grade-level, to the department of elementary and secondary education monthly in a form and manner prescribed by the department. This information shall be made publicly available on the department’s website."

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #690 to H5150

Remote Learning Attendance and Participation


Elizabeth A. Malia

Carole A. Fiola

Alan Silvia

Thomas P. Walsh

Denise C. Garlick