Amendment #778 to H5150

HWM Tech

Mr. Michlewitz of Boston HWM Technical Amendment

Fiscal Note:- $3,375,000

Mr. Michlewitz of Boston moves to amend the bill in section 2, in item 0511-0270, by adding the following:- provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended for the local election districts review commission to assist local officials in the reprecincting process;

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$1,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures:- $1,250,000;

And further amend said section 2 by striking out item 0840-0100, and inserting in place thereof the following:-

0840-0100 For the operation of the victim and witness assistance board….$1,257,790;

And further amend said section 2, in item 3000-6025, by striking out the words “; and provided further, that up to $2,500,000 appropriated for this item in fiscal year 2019 shall not revert but shall be made available for the purposes of this item in fiscal year 2020”;

And further amend said section 2, in item 4000-0641, by striking out the words “provided further, that not less than $38,300,000 shall be expended to fund a rate add-on for wages, shift differentials, bonuses, benefits and related employee costs paid to direct care staff of nursing homes; provided further, that MassHealth regulations for this rate add-on shall prioritize spending on hourly wage increases, shift differentials or bonuses paid to certified nurses’ aides and housekeeping, laundry, dietary and activities staff; provided further, that MassHealth shall adopt all regulations and procedures to carry out this item; provided further, that MassHealth shall provide to the house and senate committees on ways and means an interim report not later than June 7, 2021 and a final report not later than December 31, 2021 on the impact of wages for direct care workers at the nursing home receiving said funds”;

And further amend said section 2, in item 4408-1000, by striking out the words “and provided further, that not less than $3,600,000 shall be expended on the 10 per cent rate increase required by this section” and inserting in place thereof the following:- ; provided further, that not less than $3,600,000 shall be expended on the 10 per cent increase in the payment standard for monthly benefits required by this section; and provided further, that in fiscal year 2021, said 10 per cent increase shall take effect beginning with the month of January 2021;

And further amend said section 2, in item 7004-0101, by striking out the figure “$1,880,995”, and inserting in place thereof the following:- $4,880,995;

And further amend said section 2 by striking out item 7010-1202, and inserting in place thereof the following:-

7010-1202 For the implementation of the Massachusetts Digital Literacy Now grant program to promote digital literacy and computer science education in public schools in kindergarten through grade 12, to ensure equitable opportunities to access technology and computer science education; provided, that the department shall update an implementation plan for promoting technology and digital literacy efforts in partnership with the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, Inc. that prioritizes opportunities for underserved students and populations; provided further, that the plan shall consider technology and computer usage and access in low-income, urban, suburban and rural communities that continue to be disproportionately impacted by a lack of access to digital technology; and provided further, that a report shall be filed not later than February 1, 2021, with the chairs of the house and senate committees on ways and means and the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on education that includes an updated 3-year strategic plan to address gaps in programming, annual goals and progress in achieving those goals.................................................................. $1,000,000;

And further amend said section 2, in item 7061-0027, by striking out the word “districts”, both times it appears, and inserting in place thereof the following:- districts, charter schools, and educational collaboratives;

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$50,000,000”, and inserting in place thereof the figure:- $53,000,000;

And further amend said section 2, in item 7061-9611, as amended by Consolidated “A”, by striking out the figure “$10,577,017” and inserting in place thereof the figure:- $10,742,017;

And further amend said section 2, in item 7008-1116, inserted by Consolidated “D”, by adding the following words:- ; and provided further, that not less than $125,000 shall be expended for Westmass Area Development Corporation for life safety upgrades and modifications on tenant facilities;

And further amend said section 2, in item 7070-0065, by striking out the words “; provided further, that funds from this item shall be made available for early educator scholarships and the Journey into Education and Teaching program in amounts not less than the amounts made available in fiscal year 2020” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- ; provided further, that funds from this item shall be made available for early educator scholarships in an amount not less than the amounts made available in fiscal year 2020; provided further, that funds from this item shall be made available for the Journey into Education and Teaching program in an amount not less than the amounts made available in fiscal year 2020 from item 7066-0000;

And further amend said section 2 by striking out item 8000-1127, and inserting in place thereof the following item:-

8000-1127 For a nonprofit security grant program to provide support for target hardening and other security enhancements to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack or hate crimes, as defined in section 32 of chapter 22C of the General Laws; provided, that: (i) at least 1 such grant shall be awarded to a nonprofit organization in the eastern region of the commonwealth; (ii) at least 1 such grant shall be awarded to a nonprofit organization in the central region of the commonwealth; and (iii) at least 1 such grant shall be awarded to a nonprofit organization in the western region of the commonwealth……………….$1,000,000;

And move to further amend the bill by inserting after section 42B, inserted by Consolidated “C”, the following 2 sections:-


SECTION 42C. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, not later than June 15, 2021, the health policy commission, in consultation with the board of registration in nursing, shall conduct an analysis and issue a report evaluating the commonwealth’s entry into the nurse licensure compact. The study shall include, but not be limited to: (i) an analysis of registered nurse and licensed practical nurse job vacancies in the commonwealth broken down by practice specialization, and projected vacancies based on the demographics of the commonwealth’s nursing workforce and nursing school graduate retention rates; (ii) an analysis of whether entry into the nurse licensure compact would increase the commonwealth’s emergency and pandemic preparedness; (iii) an analysis of other states’ entry into the nurse licensure compact and any impact on quality of care resulting from entry; (iv) an evaluation of the number of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses granted a temporary license under the emergency orders issued by the governor and the commissioner of public health pursuant to the governor’s March 10, 2020 declaration of a state of emergency and the number of disciplinary actions taken by the board of registration in nursing on such nurses; (v) a comparison of the board of registration in nursing’s oversight, background check and licensing authority under the emergency orders issued by the governor and the commissioner of public health pursuant the governor’s March 10, 2020 declaration of a state of emergency and upon entry into the nurse licensure compact; (vi) an analysis of the ability of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses in the commonwealth to provide follow-up care across state lines, including via telehealth; (vii) an analysis of impacts to health care quality, cost and access resulting from other states’ entry into the nurse licensure compact, as well as anticipated impacts to health care quality, cost and access associated with entry into the nurse licensure compact by the commonwealth; and (viii) recommendations regarding the commonwealth’s entry into the nurse licensure compact. The report shall be filed with the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate president, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the joint committee on health care financing.


SECTION 42D. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller shall, during fiscal year 2021, but prior to the calculation of the fiscal year 2021 consolidated net surplus in accordance with section 5C of chapter 29 of the General Laws, transfer not more than $1,525,000,000 to the General Fund from the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund, established by section 2H of chapter 29 of the General Laws, upon the written request of the secretary of administration and finance. The comptroller, in consultation with the secretary, may take the overall cash flow needs of the commonwealth into consideration in determining the timing of any transfer of funds. The comptroller shall provide a schedule of transfers to the secretary and to the house and senate committees on ways and means.


And moves to further amend the bill in section 44A, as inserted by Consolidated “A”, by inserting, after the words “the Massachusetts Teachers Association,” the following words:- the New England Cable & Telecommunications Association, Inc.