Amendment #91 to H5150

Crumbling Concrete Foundations

Mr. Ashe of Longmeadow moves to amend the bill, in Section 2, item 7006-0142, by adding at the end thereof the following:

“ and provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be provided for a reimbursement program to be managed by the Division of Professional Licensure which shall provide for the costs associated with the implementation of testing for the presence of pyrrhotite in the foundation of homes built on or after 1983 in the Commonwealth within a 50 mile radius of J.J. Mottes Concrete Company in Stafford Springs, Connecticut; provided further, that reimbursements shall be made at a rate of 100 percent for visual testing conducted by a licensed professional engineer up to $400 and at a rate of 75 percent for the testing of 2 core samples up to $5,000, and in said item by striking out the figures “$16,034,593” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$16,084,593”.


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #91 to H5150

Crumbling Concrete Foundations


Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Jon Santiago

Paul McMurtry

Carmine Lawrence Gentile