Amendment #1 to H5185

Floor Amendment

Mr. Michlewitz of Boston moves to amend the bill moves to amend the bill by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following:-


SECTION 1. In fiscal year 2021, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority will evaluate and deploy available funding, including potential federal funding, to continue essential service, as determined by the Fiscal and Management Control Board, and to restore service, reopen stations and restart delayed capital projects as justified by increased ridership and revenue.  If, after December 1, 2020, the authority receives federal funding in response to the COVID-19 emergency, the authority shall make reasonable efforts, consistent with any federal or state requirements, to prioritize the use of such funding for the restoration of any capital projects scaled back as a result of the Forging Ahead service planning process or any service eliminations or reductions that unduly impact ridership as a result of the Forging Ahead service planning process. In fiscal year 2021, the authority shall hold a total of at least 5 public meetings before the closures or suspensions of commuter rail or transit stations, ferry routes or bus routes; provided, however, that the meetings may be held by remote means; and provided further, the authority shall hold a remote hearing targeting any community where a commuter rail or transit station, ferry route, or bus route is eliminated or consolidated. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority from making service adjustments to frequency or schedules; provided, however, that the Authority shall consider rider access, and in particular the access of transit critical riders, when making such adjustments.


In fiscal year 2021, the authority shall submit to the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the senate and house committees on ways and means and the joint committee on transportation a report detailing any proposed service reduction, route elimination, commuter rail station closure or delays in capital projects not less than 30 days before any such reduction, elimination, closure or delay is scheduled to begin.