Amendment ID: S2350-31-R2

2nd Redraft Amendment 31

Innovation Pathways

Messrs. Moore, O'Connor, Tran, Hinds and Welch move that the proposed new draft be amended in section 4, by inserting after the word “programming”, in line 87, the following words:- “and the percentage of students in internships and earning industry-recognized credentials”; and

in said section 4, by striking out, in line 87, the word “and”; and

in said section 4, in proposed subsection (a) of section 1S of chapter 69, by striking out proposed clause (iii) and inserting in place thereof the following 2 clauses:-

“(iii) post-secondary application, acceptance, remediation, persistence and graduation rates; and

(iv) the percentage of students who, 16 months after their high school graduation, are attending an institution of higher education or another type of educational or training program or are employed with a sustainable wage.”; and

in said section 4, by inserting after the word “development”, in line 93, the following words:- “; provided, however, that the report shall make recommendations on the advisability of establishing statewide and regional targets for student preparedness for workforce and post-secondary education”; and

in section 14, by inserting after the word “outcomes”, in line 386,  the following words:- “or increase student preparedness for workforce and post-secondary education”.