Amendment ID: S2350-34

Amendment 34


Messrs. deMacedo and Tarr move that the proposed new draft be amended in Section 4 by striking subsection (d) of Section 1R in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:-

"(d) (i) Each district shall submit its plan to the Department every 3 years. Upon receipt of a district plan from any district with at least one school that is determined by the commissioner to require assistance or intervention under the Department’s district and school accountability system, the commissioner shall review the plan to ensure that it sets forth clear and achievable goals and measurable standards for student improvement that comply with the requirements of this section; provided, however, that such district shall amend any plan deemed not in compliance. Upon receipt of a district plan from any other district, the commissioner may review the plan to ensure that it sets forth clear and achievable goals and measurable standards for student improvement that may comply with the requirements of this section; provided that such district shall amend any plan deemed not in compliance.

(ii) For any district with at least one school that is determined by the commissioner to require assistance or intervention under the Department’s district and school accountability system, the commissioner must approve the district plan and may require specific changes as a condition of approval.  Such districts that do not have approved plans shall not be eligible to receive competitive or discretionary grant funds from the Department.  The commissioner may recommend to the board that such a district be declared chronically underperforming under section 1K of chapter 69 if it fails to have an approved plan for more than one school year.

(iii)Following the submission of a 3-year plan, each district shall annually, not later than April 1, submit to the Department: (a) relevant data, pursuant to its plan, to assess success in addressing persistent disparities in achievement among student subgroups; and (b) amendments to the plan that reflect changes deemed necessary to improve district performance in meeting plan goals. Each plan shall be made publicly available on both the submitting district’s website and the Department’s website.

(iv) For any district that is determined by the commissioner to require assistance or intervention under the Department’s district accountability system, which the commissioner determines is taking insufficient steps to implement its 3-year plan, the commissioner may recommend to the board that the district be declared chronically underperforming under section 1K of chapter 69."