Amendment ID: S2350-68-R1

Redraft Amendment 68

Technical Amendment

Mr. Rodrigues moves that the proposed new draft be amended in section 4, by striking out, in lines 22 and 23 the words “inserting after section 1Q, inserted by section 2 of chapter 438 of the acts of 2018, the following 2 sections” and inserting in place thereof the following words:-

“striking out section 1Q, inserted by section 2 of chapter 438 of the acts of 2018, and inserting in place thereof the following 3 sections:-

Section 1Q½. (a) Financial literacy standards established pursuant to section 1D shall promote an understanding of personal finances including, but not limited to: (i) loans; (ii) interest and interest accrual; (iii) credit card debt; (iv) online commerce; (v) rights and responsibilities of renting or buying a home; (vi) saving, investing and planning for retirement; (vii) the role of banking and financial services; (viii) balancing a checkbook; (ix) state and federal taxes; (x) charitable giving; (xi) evaluating media content, including online content, that relates to personal finance matters; and (xii) saving, investing and planning for higher education or professional training.

(b) A school district, charter school, approved private day or residential school or collaborative school may incorporate the financial literacy standards established pursuant to section 1D and subsection (a) into existing curriculum including, but not limited to, mathematics, history and social sciences, technology or business.

(c) The department shall make resources available to school districts, charter schools, approved private day or residential schools and collaborative schools to assist in the selection of materials and curriculum on personal financial literacy. The department shall identify and offer information on resources for professional development activities and instruction on personal financial literacy. The department may consult with private or non-profit experts in the field of behavioral science or related disciplines and government stakeholders to identify such resources.

(d) The department may apply for federal, state or other funding, including funding available through the Economic Empowerment Trust Fund established pursuant to section 35QQ of chapter 10, to implement this section.

(e) Upon the action of the general court, there shall periodically be a review by the department relative to the implementation of the financial literacy standards, including a study of financial literacy programs being offered in the commonwealth to students in kindergarten to grade 12. The general court may direct the commissioner to consult with the office of the state treasurer to, subject to appropriation, convene a working group consisting of educators experienced in teaching curriculum related to financial literacy or personal finance, and any individuals or organizations the department deems relevant with expertise in financial services, including, but not limited to, banking, borrowing and consumer protection. The review shall include a report on best practices and recommended improvements to the financial literacy standards. The report shall be submitted to the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate and the joint committee on education.”; and

in section 5, in proposed subsection (a) of section 2 of chapter 70, by striking out the definition of “Minimum aid” and inserting in place thereof the following definition:-

“Minimum aid”, the greater of: (i) the difference between a district’s minimum aid adjustment and base aid; and (ii) a district’s foundation enrollment multiplied by a per-pupil dollar amount specified annually in the general appropriations act, but which shall not be less than $30, which shall be the minimum aid increment above base aid.”; and

in said section 5, in the proposed row titled “Special Ed tuitioned-out” of table 1 of subsection (a) of section 3 of chapter 70, by striking out the figure “3,390.47” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “3,450.56”; and

in said section 5, in said proposed row titled “Special Ed tuitioned-out” of table 1 of subsection (a) of section 3 of chapter 70, by striking out the figure “51.80” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “52.71”; and

in said section 5, in said proposed row titled “Special Ed tuitioned-out” of table 1 of subsection (a) of section 3 of chapter 70, by striking out the figure “32,190.68” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “32,761.24”; and

in said section 5, in said proposed row titled “Special Ed tuitioned-out” of table 1 of subsection (a) of section 3 of chapter 70, by striking out the figure “35,632.95” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “36,264.51”; and

in section 14, in proposed subsection (d) of proposed section 16 of chapter 70, by inserting after the word “Twenty-First”, in line 378, the following word:- “Century”; and

in section 24, by striking out, in lines 600 to 602, inclusive, the words “all eligible costs”, each time they appear, and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “the total eligible state obligation”.