Amendment ID: S2755-32

Amendment 32

Allowing for Pre-processing of AV and EV ballots

Messrs. Collins, Eldridge, Moore and Cyr move that the proposed new text be amended in Section 7 by striking subsection (j) in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:

“(j)(i) The absentee or early ballot of any voter who was eligible to vote at the time the ballot was cast shall not be deemed invalid solely because the voter became ineligible to vote by reason by death after casting the ballot. For the purposes of this section, "cast" means that the voter has deposited the absentee or early ballot in the mail for ballots mailed, returned to the appropriate election official either by hand or by depositing in the municipal drop box, where available, or completed voting in person at the clerk’s office or an early voting location.

(ii) The provisions of section 100 of chapter 54 of the general laws shall not apply to the state primary or state election or any other municipal election held at the same time.