Amendment ID: S2789-11

Amendment 11

Regional Tourism Council Matching Grant Waiver

Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Moran, Ms. Comerford, Messrs. Cyr, Welch, Crighton, Eldridge, Tran and Moore, Ms. Rausch, Ms. DiZoglio, Messrs. Hinds and Brady move that the proposed new text be amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section:


SECTION ##. Notwithstanding clause (3) of the fifth paragraph of section 14 of chapter 23A of the General Laws, in order to address disruptions caused by the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, for fiscal year 2020, for grants provided pursuant to said section 14 of said chapter 23A, the maximum amount received by a private nonprofit agency from the office of travel and tourism may be more than the amount received by nongovernmental sources.