Amendment ID: S2800-101

Amendment 101

State Police Promotion

Mr. Keenan moves to amend the bill by striking section 33 in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:-

SECTION 33. Said chapter 22C is hereby further amended by striking out section 26, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 26. (a) The colonel may promote uniformed members of the state police who are deemed eligible for promotion by the colonel to the title of noncommissioned officer, lieutenant or captain. A promotion shall be based on the uniformed member’s total promotional score, which shall be based on the sum of scores earned on a competitive promotional examination calculated pursuant to subsection (b), longevity calculated pursuant to subsection (e), education credits calculated pursuant to subsection (g), performance credits and debits calculated pursuant to section (h).

(b) For a uniformed member who is not a veteran, the uniformed member’s competitive promotional examination score shall be based on the number of points awarded to the uniformed member for correct answers on such examination divided by the total number of possible points to be earned on the examination, multiplied by 75. For a uniformed member who is a veteran, the uniformed member’s competitive promotional examination score shall be based on the number of points awarded to the member for correct answers on such examination divided by the total number of possible points to be earned on the examination, multiplied by 100, plus 2, multiplied by 0.75.

(c) A uniformed member shall not be eligible for promotion unless the uniformed member was awarded not less than 70 per cent of the total number of possible points to be earned on the competitive promotional examination.

(d) Promotional examinations shall be open to a uniformed member who is a: (i) noncommissioned officer who has completed not less than 5 years of service as a uniformed member immediately before the final date for the filing of applications for such examination and who has completed, in the immediately preceding year, 1 full year of service in the next lower rank or title; (ii) lieutenant who has completed at least 1 year of service in the next lower rank or title immediately before the final date for the filing of applications for such examination and who has completed not less than 8 years of service as a uniformed member prior to the final date for filing applications for such examination; or (iii) a captain who has completed at least 1 year of service in the next lower rank or title immediately before the final date for the filing of applications for such examination and who has completed not less than 12 years of service as a uniformed member prior to the final date for filing applications for such examination.

(e) (1) A noncommissioned officer shall be granted 1 longevity point for each full month of service since appointment to the department, up to a maximum of 120 months, computed as of the final date for the filing of applications for such promotion. The member’s longevity score shall be the total longevity points granted divided by 120, multiplied by 25.

(2) A lieutenant shall be granted 1 longevity point for each full month of service since appointment to the department, up to a maximum of 180 months, computed as of the final date for the filing of applications for such promotion. The member’s longevity score shall be the total longevity points granted divided by 180, multiplied by 25.

(3) A captain shall be granted 1 longevity point for each full month of service since appointment to the department, up to a maximum of 240 months, computed as of the final date for the filing of applications for such promotion. The member’s longevity score shall be the total longevity points granted divided by 240, multiplied by 25.

(f) a uniformed member shall be granted 2 education points for an associate degree, 4 education points for a bachelor degree, and 6 education points for a post graduate degree.

(g) a uniformed member shall be granted 2 performance points for each service commendation awarded, and shall have deducted 2 performance points for each warning, reprimand, or punishment relating to use of earned sick time or other service performance.

(h) Prior to making any promotions in accordance with this section, the colonel shall publish and distribute in the orders of the department for each title in the department a list of the members who are eligible for promotion to each such title in the order in which each member shall be considered for such promotion; provided, however, that such order shall be based upon the final determination by the colonel in accordance with subsections (b) and (e). Each eligible list for promotion shall be used by the colonel to fill vacancies for a period of 2 years from the initial date of publication; provided, however, that, if a new eligible list has not been established after such 2-year period, each eligible list shall continue to be used by the colonel for promotions until a new eligible list is established. A promotion to a vacancy occurring in any title for which an examination is conducted in accordance with this section shall be made from the first 3 members on such list who are eligible for the promotion and who are willing to accept such promotion.