Amendment ID: S2800-111

Amendment 111

Protecting the Efficacy of the POSAC

Mr. Finegold moves to amend the bill in section 6, by inserting, in line 366, after the words “pursuant to” the following:-”the provisions in”; and


by inserting, in line 366, after the words “ Chapter 30A” the following:- “governing adjudicatory proceedings.”; and

by inserting, in line 373, after the words “pursuant to” the following:-”the provisions in”; and

by inserting, in line 373, after the words “ Chapter 30A” the following:-“governing adjudicatory proceedings.”; and

by striking out, in line 376, ”An” and inserting in place thereof the following:- “revocation of certification by the police officer standards and accreditation committee shall be grounds for an adverse”; and

by striking out, in line 376, “that” and inserting in place thereof the following:- “and such employment action based on revocation of certification” and;

by striking out, in line 377, “results from a revocation by the committee pursuant to subsection(a); and

by inserting, in line 378, after the words “the civil service commission under chapter 31” the following:- “and shall not be a basis for grievance and arbitration under section 8 of chapter 150E or under the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement.”