Amendment ID: S2800-133-R1

Redraft Amendment 133

Data on the use of force in correctional facilities

Messrs. Barrett and Eldridge, Ms. Rausch, Ms. Jehlen and Ms. Creem move to amend the bill in section 63, line 1248, by inserting after the word “by”:- “state and”; and in said section 63, line 1268, by inserting after the word “woman.”:-

“In order to establish clear limitations on the use of physical force by correctional officers, the commission shall collect and analyze data on the use of force against inmates. In furtherance thereof, the department of correction and sheriffs shall provide the commission access to any and all reports written pursuant to 103 CMR 505:13 (1) and (2) or successor provisions.

The commission shall ascertain whether the information provided is uniform, standardized, and reasonably complete and, if not, shall recommend policies to increase uniformity, standardization, and completeness.”