Amendment ID: S2800-8-R1

Redraft Amendment 8

Procedural and Substantive Safeguards

Messrs. Tarr, Brady, O'Connor and Tran move to amend the bill by striking in line 111 the word "may" and inserting in place the following:-"shall"

by inserting in line 207 after the word, "inclusive" the following:-"provided that such regulations shall, at a minimum, ensure procedural and substantive due process pursuant to the United States Constitution and the Massachusetts Constitution as they pertain to tribunals, including but not limited to the fifth amendment of the united states constitution, with regard to any investigation, hearing, decision or other action taken by said committee, provided further, that in all proceedings before the police officer standards and accreditation committee, the subject of said proceedings shall have the ability to assert their right under the fifth amendment under the United States constitution, and said assertion shall not be taken into consideration against the subject in later proceedings before the police officer standards and accreditation committee"