Budget Amendment ID: FY2020-S3-63
LOC 63
Newburyport Parking
Ms. DiZoglio and Mr. Tarr moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after Section XX the following sections:
SECTION XX. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the city of Newburyport is authorized to impose and collect a surcharge for motor vehicle parking in the parking facilities located in the area known as “Plum Island Point” in the northeastern section of Plum Island in the city of Newburyport, provided that said city and the department of conservation and recreation shall enter into an agreement for the joint collection of said surcharge and any parking fee charged by the department.
SECTION XX. Pursuant to the provisions herein, the city of Newburyport may impose a surcharge of a specific amount pursuant to section 1 by a vote of the city council thereof and approval by the mayor, provided that upon such decision the city shall establish and set up on its book a Plum Island Resource Fund, into which shall be deposited any and all proceeds from such surcharge.
SECTION XX. Any modification to the amount of the surcharge imposed pursuant to this act shall be made with the approval of the mayor and the city council, not later than May 1 of the year in which it is to take effect.
SECTION XX. Subject to appropriation by the mayor and city council, amounts shall only be expended from the Plum Island Resource Fund for the purposes of restoring and protecting dunes, shorelines, beaches, infrastructure and property, and for the permanent, temporary and interim measures to achieve such purposes on Plum Island, provided, however, that the funds may be expended from said fund for regional or intermunicipal efforts for such purpose.
SECTION XX. The department of conservation and recreation shall transfer the ownership and control of the parking lot described in section 1 to the city of Newburyport.