Budget Amendment ID: FY2020-S3-944-R1
Redraft ENV 944
Sustaining natural and working lands in communities
Messrs. Tarr, deMacedo, Finegold and Eldridge moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section _ the following:-
SECTION XX. Said section 1 of said chapter 21N, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the definition of “Market-based compliance mechanism” the following definition:-
“Natural and working lands” are: (i) Land that is actively used by an agricultural owner or operator for an agricultural operation that includes, but need not be limited to, active engagement in farming or ranching; (ii) Land producing forest products; (iii) Lands consisting of forests, grasslands, freshwater and riparian systems, wetlands, coastal and estuarine areas, watersheds, wildlands or wildlife habitat; or (iv) Lands used for recreational purposes, such as parks, urban and community forests, trails, and other similar open space land.
Section 12. (a) Actions related to natural resources can increase the volume of carbon stored in natural and working lands, reduce the loss of already-stored carbon, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions from natural and working lands, helping to achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gases and carbon pollution in the atmosphere. Said actions related to natural resources shall aim to optimize and maximize benefits and achieve the goals above, to the maximum extent practicable. They may include, but are not be limited to: (i) conservation; (ii) restoration; (iii) enhancement; or (iv) management.
SECTION XX. Chapter 21N is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following section:-
Section 12. The secretary of energy and environmental affairs shall: (i) conduct a statewide baseline assessment of carbon stock on natural and working lands and track the release of measurable greenhouse gases from and carbon sequestration by natural and working lands, to the maximum extent practicable; (ii) adopt clear statewide goals, indicate expected outcomes, and identify a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration on natural and working lands; and (iii) develop a natural and working lands plan, including, but not limited, to recommended policies, programs, grants, loans and incentives and public-private partnerships to meet the statewide goal. Said recommendations shall provide guidance and strategies for state agencies and authorities, municipalities and regional planning agencies to proactively address these measures, including through changes to plans, by-laws, ordinances, regulations and policies. The secretary shall ensure that policies and strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration on natural and working lands contribute to meeting statewide emission limits and complement and enhance efforts for climate change adaptation and resiliency. Said baseline assessment, goal, and plan may be incorporated into the inventory, baseline assessment, plan, and reporting under sections 2 through 5 of chapter 21N of the general laws. The secretary shall issue the plan and provide it to the senate and house committees on ways and means and the joint committee on environment, natural resources and agriculture not later than December 31, 2020.