Budget Amendment ID: FY2021-S4-283-R1

Redraft EHS 283

Emergency Assistance Data Collection

Ms. Chang-Diaz, Mr. Eldridge, Ms. Jehlen, Messrs. O'Connor and Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7004-0101, by striking out the words “provided further, that not later than February 1, 2021, the department shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a report of the most recently available monthly data on: (I) applications for services provided for in this item and in item 7004-0108, including available demographic information and broken down by race and ethnicity; (II) front-door entries into the emergency assistance system, including available demographic information; (III) denials of requests for services provided for in this item and in item 7004-0108, including available demographic information and the bases of all such denials; (IV) the number of households making multiple requests for services within the previous 1-month period; (V) diversions as a result of HomeBASE household assistance; (VI) exits from the emergency assistance system, delineated by reason for exit, including at-fault terminations, exits because the household is no longer income eligible, exits through HomeBASE household assistance and exits because the household has transitioned from shelter benefits to affordable, subsidized or other assisted housing; (VII) the average, minimum and maximum cost per family of such emergency assistance; (VIII) the number of families served under this item who required further assistance under this item or under item 7004-0108 at a later date; (IX) the type of assistance later provided; (X) the number of children served under this item broken down by age; (XI) the total number of families receiving benefits under item 7004- 0101 that have received benefits under said item 7004-0108 during each of the previous 3 years; (XII) the number of applications from households that became homeless within 12 months of depleting their HomeBASE assistance under said item 7004-0108; (XIII) the reasons for homelessness in the applications received under clause (XII); and (XIV) the number of applications received under said clause (XII) that are denied; provided further, that not later than March 1, 2021, the department shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a report that shall include the following information from the department of children and families: (A) the number of families assessed for a health and safety risk in the previous year; (B) the number of families determined to be at a substantial health and safety risk; (C) the number of families receiving multiple health and safety assessments within the previous 6-month period; and (D) the standards used to determine a substantial health and safety risk; provided further, that the department shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means on: (i) the number of families that applied for a transfer from their current shelter placement to a unit that can accommodate their disability-related needs, delineated by reason for the application; (ii) the number of families whose applications for reasonable accommodation have been approved but that are waiting for transfer due to lack of available units able to accommodate their disability-related needs; (iii) the number of families currently in shelter units located more than 20 miles away from their home community; (iv) the number of families with at least 1 child who attends a school other than the child’s school of origin as a result of placement in a shelter unit outside of their home community; and (v) the average and maximum number of days that families spend in placements under the circumstances described in clauses (ii) to (iv), inclusive, prior to being transferred to a shelter unit for which none of the circumstances in said clauses (ii) to (iv), inclusive, apply” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “provided further, that for purposes of this line item, “request” shall mean any point at which any household seeking services under this line item or under line item 7004-0108 provides any information to the department as part of any screening, triage or eligibility determination, regardless of whether a formal application is completed and regardless of whether the contact is by telephone, by office visit or by other means; provided further, that not later than December 31, 2020, and quarterly thereafter, the department shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a report of the most recently available monthly data on: (I) requests for services provided for in this item and in item 7004-0108; (II) front-door entries into the emergency assistance system, with data on the race and ethnicity of all families approved for services; (III) denials of requests for services provided in this item and in item 7004-0108, the bases of all such denials and data on the race and ethnicity of all families denied; (IV) requests for services provided for in this item and in item 7004-0108 that do not result in a formal denial, a front-door entry into the emergency assistance system or verified diversions as a result of HomeBASE household assistance, with data on the race and ethnicity of all families not receiving services or otherwise turned away; (V) diversions as a result of HomeBASE household assistance; (VI) exits through at-fault termination; (VII) exits because the household is no longer income eligible; (VIII) exits through HomeBASE household assistance; (IX) exits to another subsidized housing program; (X) exits because the household has transitioned from shelter benefits to affordable, subsidized or other assisted housing; (XI) the average, minimum and maximum cost per family of such assistance; (XII) the number of families served who previously received services under this line item and under line item 7004-0108; (XIII) the type of assistance provided to families who have previously received services under this line item and line item 7004-0108; (XIV) the total number of families requesting benefits under this item that have received benefits under 7004-0108 during each of the preceding 3 years; (XV) the number of children served broken down by age; (XVI) the number of requests for emergency assistance shelter from households within 12 months of depleting their HomeBASE assistance under item 7004-0108; (XVII) the reasons for homelessness in the requests received under clause (XVI); (XVIII) the number of requests received under said clause (XVI) that do not result in the family entering emergency assistance shelter within 48 hours; (XIX) the total number of requests that do not result in the household entering emergency assistance shelter within 48 hours; (XX) the number of requests that do not result in the household entering emergency assistance shelter within 48 hours and for which such non-entry is attributable to each of the following: written denial, pending documentation or verifications, no imminent homelessness and household withdrew request; and (XXI) the numbers of households making multiple requests within the previous 1-month period and within the previous 6-month period; provided further, that the report shall also include the following information from the department of children and families: (A) the number of families assessed in the previous quarter; (B) the number of families determined to be at a substantial health and safety risk; (C) the number of families receiving multiple health and safety assessments within the previous 6-month period; and (D) the standards used to determine a substantial health and safety risk; provided further, that the department shall report quarterly to the house and senate committees on ways and means on: (i) the number of families that applied for a transfer from their current shelter placement to a unit that can accommodate their disability-related needs, delineated by reason for the application; (ii) the number of families whose applications for reasonable accommodation have been approved but that are waiting for transfer due to lack of available units able to accommodate their disability-related needs, disaggregated by category of accommodation, including, but not limited to, access to cooking facilities, first-floor or elevator access, non-carpeted unit, physical modification to unit, scattered site unit, geographic proximity to service providers and wheelchair accessibility; (iii) the number of families currently in shelter units located more than 20 miles away from their home community; (iv) the number of families with at least 1 child who attends a school other than the child’s school of origin as a result of placement in a shelter unit outside of their home community; and (v) both the average number of days and the maximum number of days that families spend in placements under the circumstances described in clauses (ii) to (iv), inclusive, before being transferred to a shelter unit for which none of the circumstances in said clauses (ii) to (iv), inclusive, apply”.