Amendment ID: S8-7.1

Further Amendment 7.1

anti-harassment and assault

Ms. Rausch and Mr. Tarr move that the amendment be amended by striking out the text thereof and inserting in place thereof the following text: -

“11F. No member, officer, or staff shall violate the Senate’s anti-harassment policy. Members, officers, and staff shall receive anti-harassment training within 90 days of the opening of the biennial session. All members, officers, and staff beginning employment after the anti-harassment training held within 90 days of the opening of the biennial session shall complete anti-harassment training at the next available training opportunity.  Anti-harassment training shall be mandatory for all members, officers, and staff and all members, officers, and staff shall confirm completion of anti-harassment training. This rule shall not be suspended.”; and

in Rule 12A, by inserting in paragraph 1 after the word “policy”, the following words: -

,the prohibition of retaliation against an individual who has complained about discriminatory harassment or retaliation against an individual for cooperating with an investigation of a discriminatory harassment complaint”; and

in Rule 12A, by inserting in paragraph 3 after the word “policy”, the following words: -

“including the prohibition of retaliation against an individual who has complained about discriminatory harassment or retaliation against an individual for cooperating with an investigation of a discriminatory harassment complaint.”