Amendment ID: S9-1-R1

Redraft Amendment 1

Improving Access to Records

Messrs. Timilty, Feeney and Tarr, Ms. Rausch, Messrs. Montigny, Fattman, Humason, O'Connor, Tran and deMacedo and Ms. Lovely move to amend the report by inserting, in Joint Rule 1, after the words “website for the General Court.” the following words:-

“If the joint standing committee is unable to come to agreement, the Clerk of the Senate and the Clerk of the House may, upon agreement of the Senate and House Clerk, establish temporary joint rules regarding the procedure of the conduct of the committee until the committee adopts rules of procedure regarding its conduct.”; and

in Joint Rule 1D, by inserting after the first paragraph the following paragraph: -

“Committees shall provide to members of the committee either the text or comprehensive summaries of the bills or other forms of legislative matters prior to the beginning of an executive session or poll. Any recorded votes on a favorable or adverse report on an individual bill, taken by roll call or electronic poll of each member, shall be posted on the website of the General Court..”; and

in said Joint Rule 1D, by striking out the words “48 hours prior to the time of such meetings.” and inserting in place thereof the following words:-

“72 hours prior to the time of such meetings. If public testimony is being solicited, agendas shall include an electronic mail address and physical mail address for the submission of testimony.” And

in said Joint Rule 1D, by striking out the words “48 hour” and inserting in place thereof the following words: - 72 hour; and

in Joint Rule 4, in paragraph 2, by inserting after the word “hours” the following words: -  and shall be posted on the website of the General Court.

in Joint Rule 29A, by striking out the figure “48” and inserting in place thereof the following figure “72”.