Amendment #1134 to H4000

Tewksbury Hospital Bed Preservation

Mr. Robertson of Tewksbury moves to insert in 4590-0915 after the word "hospitals": provided further that Tewksbury hospital shall maintain the same number of beds in fiscal year 2022 as was maintained in fiscal year 2021

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1134 to H4000

Tewksbury Hospital Bed Preservation


Mindy Domb

Denise C. Garlick

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Patricia A. Duffy

Colleen M. Garry

Tram T. Nguyen

Carol A. Doherty

James K. Hawkins

John H. Rogers

Daniel J. Ryan

Peter Capano

Jack Patrick Lewis

Paul W. Mark

Jacob R. Oliveira

Tackey Chan