Amendment #1134 to H4000
Tewksbury Hospital Bed Preservation
Mr. Robertson of Tewksbury moves to insert in 4590-0915 after the word "hospitals": provided further that Tewksbury hospital shall maintain the same number of beds in fiscal year 2022 as was maintained in fiscal year 2021
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1134 to H4000
Tewksbury Hospital Bed Preservation
Representative: |
Mindy Domb |
Denise C. Garlick |
Lindsay N. Sabadosa |
Patricia A. Duffy |
Colleen M. Garry |
Tram T. Nguyen |
Carol A. Doherty |
James K. Hawkins |
John H. Rogers |
Daniel J. Ryan |
Peter Capano |
Jack Patrick Lewis |
Paul W. Mark |
Jacob R. Oliveira |
Tackey Chan |