Amendment #929 to H4000

Agricultural Fair Economic Recovery Fund

Representatives Blais of Sunderland, Sabadosa of Northampton, Barrett of North Adams and Kilcoyne of Northborough moves to amend the bill in Section 2 by inserting after item 2511-0100, the following new item: “XXXX-XXXX For Agricultural Fair Economic Recovery grants to MA Agricultural Fairs for demonstrated losses and accrued expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic and for infrastructure investments that will improve the long-term sustainability of MA Agricultural Fairs.…. $15,000,000.”

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #929 to H4000

Agricultural Fair Economic Recovery Fund


Kimberly N. Ferguson

Mindy Domb

Paul McMurtry

Paul W. Mark

Steven S. Howitt

Susan Williams Gifford

Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr.

Linda Dean Campbell

Vanna Howard

Erika Uyterhoeven

David T. Vieira

James K. Hawkins