Amendment #959 to H4000
Educator Residency Programs
Ms. Peisch of Wellesley moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after item 7061-9815 the following item:-
“7061-XXXX For teacher residency programs that train, coach, and prepare educator candidates for state educator certification testing and offer apprenticeships to prospective educators; provided, that preference shall be given to programs that primarily serve educator candidates of color; provided further, that funds from this item may be used to provide prospective educators with tuition-based scholarships and to cover costs associated with taking certification tests; and provided further, that all programs receiving funds from this item shall provide disaggregated racial and ethnic data regarding program participants to DESE, which shall annually evaluate each such program…………..$2,500,000”
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #959 to H4000
Educator Residency Programs
Representative: |
Andres X. Vargas |
Marcos A. Devers |
Jessica Ann Giannino |
Tackey Chan |
Paul McMurtry |
Carol A. Doherty |
Adam J. Scanlon |
Tommy Vitolo |
Denise C. Garlick |
Richard M. Haggerty |
Linda Dean Campbell |
David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf |
Paul F. Tucker |
Antonio F. D. Cabral |
Brandy Fluker Oakley |
Vanna Howard |
Tram T. Nguyen |
Michael P. Kushmerek |
Daniel Cahill |
Adrian C. Madaro |
William J. Driscoll, Jr. |
David M. Rogers |
Nika C. Elugardo |
Natalie M. Higgins |