Consolidated Amendment "B" to H4000

Health and Human Services and Elder Affairs


Fiscal Note: $8,300,000

Amendment 1034 is recategorized from Health and Human Services to Labor and Economic Development;

Amendments from Health and Human Services: 54, 157, 165, 252, 254, 260, 330, 347, 356, 368, 369, 370, 383, 457, 458, 463, 554, 601, 608, 638, 671, 717, 751, 760, 804, 835, 837, 839, 844, 869, 872, 883, 921, 1000, 1033, 1076, 1098, 1099, 1101, 1107, 1108, 1149, 1152

Amendments from Elder Affairs: 9, 19, 20, 89, 95, 107, 128, 129, 147, 209, 219, 372, 430, 502, 503, 508, 510, 512, 518, 534, 544, 650, 827, 866, 924, 1032, 1045

Mr. Michlewitz of Boston and others move to amend H.4000 in section 2, in line item 4000-0005, by inserting after the word “years” the following words:- ; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Merrimack Valley Public Safety Youth Center in the city of Lawrence to provide a safe space for structured education, health and recreational programming for at-risk youth throughout the Merrimack Valley; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the Violence Intervention and Prevention program at Haverhill high school;

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$10,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $10,075,000;

And further amend said section 2, in item 4000-0300, by inserting after the words “above base rates” the following words:- and shall make a supplemental payment not less than $3,000,000 to any pediatric chronic and rehabilitation long-term care hospital in the commonwealth, above base rates, to compensate for high-complexity pediatric care;

And further amend said item by inserting after the words “June 30, 2022” the following words:- ; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended for the MetroWest Free Medical Program Inc.; provided further, that not less than $235,000 shall be expended for Health Care For All, Inc. for the additional costs associated with operating its free statewide non-profit consumer assistance helpline during the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic, also known as COVID-19, in order to provide health coverage eligibility, enrollment and navigation assistance and to operate an online support platform for enrollment assistance across the state; provided further, that not less than $125,000 shall be expended for the Brookline Community Mental Health Center, Inc. to expand the Healthy Lives program; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for a western Massachusetts academic medical center with a neonatal intensive care unit within an acute hospital in the county of Hampden to support, enhance and expand programming associated with its rooming-in program for infants and mothers with opioid use disorder; provided further, that not less than $125,000 shall be expended for the purposes defined in item 1599-2009 in section 2 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008; provided further; that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, Inc. for the purpose of increasing access to health and human services on Martha’s Vineyard; provided further, that not less than $90,000 shall be expended to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Needham, Inc. for behavioral health services; provided further, that not less than $550,000 shall be expended for the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, Inc. for the purpose of maintaining the Network of Care, as the singular place where all mental health, substance use, and related social services programs and organizations are curated into a state-wide online, searchable tool;

And further amend said item by adding the following words:- ; provided further, that for fiscal year 2022 and beyond, in establishing Medicaid reimbursement rates for Medicaid eligible inpatient services provided by chronic disease rehabilitation hospitals located in the commonwealth that serve solely children and adolescents, the executive office of health and human services shall apply a multiplier of 1.5 times the hospital's fiscal year 2021 current inpatient per diem rate in fiscal year 2022;

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$114,234,923” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $118,534,923;

And further amend said section 2, in item 4000-0500, by inserting after the words “January 3, 2022” the following words:- ; provided further, that not less than $2,000,000 shall be appropriated to Community Care Cooperative, Inc. to support the startup of its work to establish federally qualified health care pharmacies that will support high quality and cost effective patient care and supporting health centers ongoing efforts in reducing health disparities;

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$6,046,311,783” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $ 6,048,311,783;

And further amend said section 2, in item 4003-0122, by inserting after the words “priority for services” the following words:- ; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to Casa Dominicana, Inc. to assist in citizenship education, citizenship application assistance, English as a second language classes and computer training for low-income adults; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the Lawrence Family Development and Education Fund, Inc. to assist in citizenship education, citizenship application assistance, English as a second language classes and computer training for low-income adults;

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$2,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $2,100,000;

And further amend said section 2, in line item 9110-1636, by striking out the figure “35,571,728” and inserting in place thereof the following figure :- $35,871,728;

And further amend said section 2, in item 9110-1900, by striking out the words “the amount appropriated in item 9110-1900 of section 2 of chapter 38 of the acts of 2013” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- $750,000 shall be expended for Meals on Wheels; and provided further, that not less than $75,000

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$9,658,808” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $10,483,808;

And further amend said section 2, in item 9110-9002, after the word “per-elder;” the following words:- ; provided further, that not less than $60,000 shall be expended for the town of Millis for the purchase of a vehicle to provide transportation for seniors in the community; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the Douglas adult social center in the town of Douglas for improvements to its facility; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the Sutton senior center in the town of Sutton for improvements to its facility; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Boxford for the construction of a combined community and senior center; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the Billerica council on aging for improvements; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the city of Leominster for the design of a new elevator in the senior center building; provided further, that not less than $20,000 shall be expended to the Wareham council on aging for its meals and nutrition programs; provided further, that not less than $20,000 shall be expended for the Carver council on aging for improvements at the council on aging facility; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the city of Melrose for building refurbishments for the Milano senior center to support seniors during the 2019 novel coronavirus recovery and ensure safe access to communal space; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Andover senior center in the town of Andover for improvements to its facility and infrastructure to best serve its residents; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the city of Salem for the Salem council on aging for improving and expanding its memory café program; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the South Hadley council on aging for an electric vehicle to enhance transportation services; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended for furniture and furnishings at the Easthampton council on aging; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended for education and enrichment programs at the council on aging in the city of Lawrence; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the cost associated with care and services provided at Whipple senior center in the town of Weymouth; provider further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the town of Needham for a feasibility study on retrofitting the kitchen at the center at the heights; provided further, that not less than $15,000 shall be expended for the Amherst senior center to support a physical exercise program for Amherst and Pelham seniors;

And further amend said item by striking out the figure “$17,066,651” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $17,766,651.

And further moves to amend the bill by inserting, after section 12, the following section:-


SECTION 12A. Chapter 111 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following section:-


Section 243. (a) The department shall establish a Parkinson’s disease registry for the collection of information necessary to determine the incidence and prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in the commonwealth.


(b) There shall be within the department a Parkinson’s Disease Registry Advisory Committee to advise and assist in the development, implementation and progress of the Parkinson’s disease registry established in subsection (a). The committee shall review and submit recommendations on: (i) what data shall be collected, including, but not limited to, demographic information, data by areas and regions of the commonwealth, with specific data from urban, low and median income communities and minority communities of the commonwealth; (ii) the means of collecting and disseminating data; (iii) how to ensure privacy and confidentiality of data; (iv) the purpose, design and functionality of the registry; and (v) the implementation of the registry. The committee shall recommend to the department any information deemed necessary and appropriate for the statistical identification and planning for treatment and education of health care providers and persons diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.


The committee shall consist of the commissioner, or a designee, and 10 members to be appointed by the commissioner as follows: 3 physicians, 1 of whom shall be a general neurologist, 1 of whom shall be a movement disorder specialist and 1 of whom shall be a primary care physician; 1 health informaticist; 2 population health researchers familiar with registries; 2 Parkinson’s disease researchers; and 2 persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.  The committee shall meet at least bi-annually to assess registry progress and recommend changes.


And further amend the bill by inserting, after section 24G, inserted by Consolidated Amendment “A”, the following section:-

SECTION 24H. Section 8 of chapter 220 of the acts of 2018 is hereby amended by striking out the figure “2021” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2022.


And further amend the bill by inserting, after section 48, the following section:-

SECTION 48A. The commissioner of the department of public health shall appoint the members of the Parkinson’s Disease Registry Advisory Committee, established by section 243 of chapter 111 of the General Laws, not later than 90 days after the effective date of this act.

And further amend the bill, as amended, by inserting, after section 49D, the following section:-

SECTION 49E. Section 12A shall take effect on July 1, 2022.