Amendment #2, as changed to H4461

Merit Rating

Mr. Cahill of Lynn moves to amend the bill moves to amend the bill in section 7 by inserting after the word “general”, in line 58, the following words:- ; provided, that information maintained by the motor vehicle insurance merit rating board pursuant to section 57A of chapter 6C of the General Laws may be disseminated for motor vehicle insurance purposes; and provided further, that any information disseminated for motor vehicle insurance purposes shall remain confidential and be used solely for the purpose of motor vehicle insurance.


And further amend the bill in said section 7 by inserting after the word “general”, in line 66, the following words:- ; provided, that information maintained by the motor vehicle insurance merit rating board pursuant to said section 57A of said chapter 6C may be disseminated for motor vehicle insurance purposes; and provided further, that any information disseminated for motor vehicle insurance purposes shall remain confidential and be used solely for the purpose of motor vehicle insurance.