Amendment #18 to H4515

Adjusting transmission procurement

Ms. Robinson of Framingham moves to amend the bill by striking section 23 and inserting in place thereof the following.


"SECTION 23. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of energy resources shall, not later than June 1, 2023, competitively solicit and procure proposals for offshore wind energy transmission sufficient to deliver energy generation procured pursuant to subsection (b) of section 83C of chapter 169 of the acts of 2008 from designated wind energy areas for which a federal lease was issued on or after January 1, 2012, that shall be developed independent of such offshore wind energy generation; provided, that offshore wind developers, as defined in section 83B of said chapter 169 shall be permitted to submit proposals pursuant to this section; provided further, that such transmission service shall be made available for use by more than 1 wind energy generation project; and provided further, that the department shall coordinate with the department of public utilities, electric distribution companies, other New England states or entities designated by those states and ISO New England, Inc. or a successor organization, in the solicitation and procurement of proposals for offshore wind energy transmission. The department shall be permitted to select 1 proposal, multiple proposals, or no proposals.


(b) In conducting the procurement for offshore wind energy transmission, the department of energy resources shall take into consideration the total amount of transmission needed to achieve the commonwealth’s offshore wind and decarbonization goals as well as demonstrable benefits to the consumer and environment and in terms of electric system reliability and avoided upgrade costs to the existing transmission grid. The department shall consider proposals that include, but shall not be limited to, upgrading the existing grid, extending the grid closer to offshore wind locations, determining optimal landfall approaches or interconnecting between offshore substations. The department may modify any procurement to meet federal grants or funding for transmission and distribution that become available.


(c) Not later than December 31, 2022, the department of energy resources shall submit a report to the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate and the chairs of the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy, that: (1) outlines the design and conduct of the solicitation and procurement process; (2) identifies and recommends any improvements to the solicitation and procurement process; and (3) provides, in the event that the department does not choose a proposal, a comprehensive explanation of their decision, including the extent to which the department’s consideration of factors in subsection (b) played a role in said decision."

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #18 to H4515

Adjusting transmission procurement


Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Jamie Zahlaway Belsito