Amendment #15 to H4532

MSP Hate Speech and On-Line Organizing of Racist Terrorist Groups, Investigation Division

Ms. DuBois of Brockton moves to amend the bill in Section 2A, by inserting after item 3000-1045 the following item:-


Department of State Police


8100-xxxxFor the immediate establishment and operation of an interagency law enforcement unit, under the joint authority and direction of the colonel of the state police and the attorney general, comprised of investigators from the state police and prosecutors from the office of the attorney general, to investigate online organizing by neo-nazi, anti-semitic and racist terrorist hate groups; provided, that the unit shall be adequately staffed not later than June 30, 2022; provided further, that the colonel of the state police, in consultation with the attorney general, shall prepare and submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a report on the staffing levels of the unit not later than June 30, 2022…………………………..$400,000.00”


and by inserting after item 0840-0030 the following item:-

Investigation Unit

0840-xxxxFor the immediate establishment and operation of an interagency law enforcement unit, under the joint authority and direction of the colonel of the state police and the attorney general, comprised of investigators from the state police and prosecutors from the office of the attorney general, to investigate online organizing by neo-nazi, anti-semitic and racist terrorist hate groups; provided, that the unit shall be adequately staffed not later than June 30, 2022; provided further, that the colonel of the state police, in consultation with the attorney general, shall prepare and submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a report on the staffing levels of the unit not later than June 30, 2022…………………………..$400,000.00”