Amendment #1001 to H4700

BabySteps Saving Plan

Mr. Donahue of Worcester moves to amend the bill in section 2A by inserting after item XXXX-XXXX the following item:- 


0610-XXXX… For the Economic Empowerment Trust Fund established by section 35QQ of chapter 10 of the General Laws; provided that funds shall be used to leverage private funds to support the BabySteps Savings Plan; and provided further, that funds shall be used to promote geographic, social, racial and economic equity… $500,000

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1001 to H4700

BabySteps Saving Plan


David Paul Linsky

Steven Ultrino

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf

Maria Duaime Robinson

Natalie M. Higgins

Russell E. Holmes

James M. Murphy

Mary S. Keefe

Kay Khan

Tommy Vitolo

Tami L. Gouveia

Chynah Tyler