Amendment #1050 to H4700

Educator Diversity Programs

Ms. Peisch of Wellesley moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after item 7061-XXXX the following item:-

“7061-XXX For the department of elementary and secondary education, which shall expend not more than $2.5 million dollars for the purposes of funding new or existing teacher residencies programs, educator preparation programs, or community pipeline programs which primarily serve candidates of color; Such funds shall be used for programs which train, coach, prepare individuals for state certified testing, and offer apprenticeships to prospective educators. Such funds shall be used for, but not limited to, program tuition-based scholarships, and to cover the costs of testing. Provided further, that as a condition of funding all such programs shall be subject to an evaluation by the department and shall disaggregate their data of participants served by race/ethnicity for reporting purposes”;


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1050 to H4700

Educator Diversity Programs


Michael J. Finn

Michael P. Kushmerek

Danillo A. Sena

Christina A. Minicucci

Kip A. Diggs

Bud L. Williams

Smitty Pignatelli

Steven Ultrino

Patricia A. Haddad

Natalie M. Higgins

Tricia Farley-Bouvier

Elizabeth A. Malia

Alan Silvia

Christopher M. Markey

Paul F. Tucker

Vanna Howard

Jessica Ann Giannino

Kate Lipper-Garabedian

Adrian C. Madaro

Tram T. Nguyen

Tami L. Gouveia

Jon Santiago

Jonathan D. Zlotnik

David M. Rogers

Nika C. Elugardo

Antonio F. D. Cabral

William J. Driscoll, Jr.

Andres X. Vargas

Chynah Tyler

Daniel Cahill

Tackey Chan

Brandy Fluker Oakley

Paul McMurtry