Amendment #1215 to H4700

Professional Diversification Through Paid Mental Health and Social Work Internships

Ms. Gouveia of Acton Moves to amend the bill in Section 2 by inserting after item 7003-0151 the following item: "XXXX-XXXX For the purposes of diversifying the behavioral health workforce by establishing a grant program to expand paid internship opportunities for students in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level programs in mental health, behavioral health, clinical social work, and macro social work professions with priority given to students of color, first-generation, and low-income students ….. $2,000,000"

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1215 to H4700

Professional Diversification Through Paid Mental Health and Social Work Internships


Russell E. Holmes

Danillo A. Sena

Tricia Farley-Bouvier

Mary S. Keefe

Elizabeth A. Malia

Tommy Vitolo

Erika Uyterhoeven

Nika C. Elugardo

Patrick Joseph Kearney

Colleen M. Garry