Amendment #806 to H4700

Special State Police Officers/Retired Uniformed Member

Mr. Williams of Springfield [Amendment Text]


Mr. Williams moves to amend the bill by inserting the following section:


G.L. 22C section 51A The colonel may appoint as special state police officers retired uniformed members who, as the colonel deems necessary, may perform police details or any police duties arising therefrom during the course of police detail work, whether or not related to the detail work. Retired uniformed members appointed under this section shall (a) have retired by reason of superannuation not more than three years prior to the date of the appointment as a special state police officer; (b) have a state police discharge status of honorable; (c) be deemed necessary, suitable, qualified and fit to perform the same essential functions and duties as uniformed members of the department; (d) be certified by the police officer standards and training commission pursuant to section 4 of chapter 6E; (e) be subject to or exempt from department rules as determined by the colonel; and (f) be equipped, trained and deployed as determined by the colonel. Retired uniformed members appointed shall, in accordance with sections 91 and 91A of Chapter 32, be at-will employees subject to appointment and removal by the colonel in a manner consistent with sections 52 and 53 of this chapter. Such retired uniformed members shall not be subject to the civil service law or rules, shall not be entitled to any benefits of such law or rules, but shall, in the performance of assigned duties and for the purposes of section 9A of chapter 258, be deemed a member of the state police.



Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #806 to H4700

Special State Police Officers/Retired Uniformed Member


Steven G. Xiarhos

Carlos González

Richard M. Haggerty

Steven S. Howitt

Daniel J. Ryan

Timothy R. Whelan

John J. Lawn, Jr.

Bruce J. Ayers

Kip A. Diggs

Jeffrey Rosario Turco

Jessica Ann Giannino