Amendment #11 to H4978

Reservists with service-connected disabilities

Mr. LeBoeuf of Worcester moves to amend the bill, as amended, In section 7, after line 230, by inserting the following:-

SECTION XX. (a) Section 6A of chapter 115 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph:-

As used in this section and in said sections 6B and 6C, the term “'reservist'' shall mean a person who has served not less than 180 days in the Marine, Army, Air Force or Coast Guard reserves and who is a resident of the commonwealth.

(b) Section 6B of said chapter 115, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the second paragraph the following paragraph:-

A reservist who has suffered a service-connected disability shall be paid $2,000 annually in 2 equal payments on August 1 and February 1. The parents and surviving spouse, provided that surviving spouse does not remarry, of a reservist who suffered a service-connected death shall be paid $2,000 annually in 2 equal payments on August 1 and February 1.

(c) Section 6C of said chapter 115, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 5 and 6, the words “six B” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- 6B, or the reservist has suffered a service-connected disability under said section 6B.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #11 to H4978

Reservists with service-connected disabilities


Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Steven Ultrino

Adam J. Scanlon

Colleen M. Garry

Carol A. Doherty

Steven G. Xiarhos

Mary S. Keefe

Carmine Lawrence Gentile

Nika C. Elugardo