Amendment #1 to H4979

Floor Amendment

Ms. Garlick of Needham moves to amend the bill by striking out section 2 and inserting in place thereof the following section:

“SECTION 2. The interests in land to be conveyed, as authorized in section 1, shall consist of all or a portion of the following:

(i) a parcel of land to be held by the city of Revere for municipal public safety purposes, consisting of approximately 1.46 acres, taken by the commonwealth by order of taking recorded in the Suffolk county registry of deeds in book 2592, page 337 and shown as “Lot B” on a plan of land entitled “Subdivision Plan of Land in Revere, Mass.”, dated January 27, 2003 and recorded at the Suffolk county registry of deeds in plan book 2006, plan 239;

(ii) a parcel of land to be held by the city of Revere for municipal fire safety purposes, consisting of approximately 0.11 acres, acquired by the commonwealth by deed recorded in the Suffolk county registry of deeds in book 7604, page 475 and shown as “Lot A” on a plan entitled “Approval Not Required (ANR) Plan Located in Revere, Massachusetts (Suffolk County)” prepared for Winter Street Architects by Brennan Consulting, dated June 8, 2021, to be kept on file at the office of the division of capital asset management and maintenance; or

(iii) a non-exclusive subsurface electrical utility easement, shown on a plan entitled “Electrical Power Site Plan” prepared by WSP USA Buildings, Inc., which is on file with the city of Revere, in connection with a kiosk for signage and public service announcements that may be issued to the city of Revere by the commissioner of conservation and recreation pursuant to a written permit for a term not to exceed 20 years, notwithstanding section 33 of chapter 92 of the General Laws. Such easement to be conveyed pursuant to this section is located in or upon a parcel of land taken by the commonwealth by order of taking recorded in the Suffolk county registry of deeds in book 2418, page 481, held by the commonwealth for park and open space purposes.”;

And by inserting before the enacting clause the following emergency preamble:

“Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to authorize the transfer of certain parcels of land from the division of capital asset management and maintenance to the city of Revere, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.”.