Amendment #1, as changed to H5046

Video Conferencing Technology Funds

Representatives Markey of Dartmouth and Straus of Mattapoisett move to amend the bill Representatives Markey of Dartmouth and Straus of Mattapoisett move to amend amendment 1 by striking out the amendment in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:-


Representatives Markey of Dartmouth and Straus of Mattapoisett move to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 0330-6000, by inserting after the words “judicial court and appeals court;” the following:- provided further, that projects funded in this item shall include technology for direct electronic video conferencing with registrars’ and magistrates’ offices of the trial court during hours of operation for attorneys and members of the public

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1, as changed to H5046

Video Conferencing Technology Funds


David Paul Linsky

Carlos González