Amendment #1 to S1357

Floor Amendment

Ms. Garlick of Needham moves to amend the bill by striking out section 1 and inserting in place thereof the following section:


“SECTION 1.  (a) Notwithstanding section 2 of chapter 171 of the acts of 1848 or any general or special law to the contrary,  the town of Westport, acting by and through its board of selectmen, in consultation with the Westport landing commission, may convey to the owners of 497 Old County road, upon such terms and conditions as the board of selectmen, in consultation with the landing commission, deems appropriate, a non-exclusive easement in a certain portion of the property described in subsection (b) for purposes of providing access to the property located at 497 Old Country road from the abutting public way, in common with the public’s right to make use of the town landing.

(b) The property on which the easement may be granted is known as the Westport town landing at the head of the Westport river and is located at 493 Old County road in the town of Westport, which was established pursuant to said chapter 171 of the acts of 1848. The property is more particularly described in an instrument recorded with the Bristol registry of deeds in book 21, page 373. The easement is shown as non-exclusive access easement on a plan entitled, “Easement Plan of Land in Westport, MA Prepared for Westport Landing Commission”, prepared by SITEC, Inc and dated October 1, 2017, which plan is on file with the town clerk.”