Amendment ID: S2545-9

Amendment 9

Inclusive Access to Democracy for Every Eligible Voter

Ms. Chang-Diaz, Ms. Rausch, Mr. Eldridge, Ms. Jehlen and Mr. Gomez move that the proposed new draft be amended in Section 9, by inserting after the words “section 65”, in line 129, the following words:-

“In accordance with the memorandum of understanding required by subsection (b), any applicant for services at an automatic voter registration agency who otherwise meets the qualifications to register to vote, and who does not decline to register to vote, but who is currently serving time for a felony conviction, shall be pre-registered as a voter within 5 to 10 business days prior to his release from any department of correction facility.”

and by inserting after section 9 the following new section:-

“SECTION XX. Chapter 51 is hereby further amended by inserting after section 47C the following section:-

Section 47D. If after examination of an affidavit of registration it appears to the registrars that the person has all the qualifications to be registered as a voter except that such person is currently incarcerated for a felony conviction and the person has obtained the age of 16, then the registrar shall enter the person's name in the current annual register of voters with the designation “pre-registrant” or such other term or code as may be specified by the state secretary. The designation shall be removed when the person is released from incarceration for such felony conviction. No person preregistered under this section shall be allowed to vote until such person is no longer incarcerated for such felony conviction unless otherwise permitted by law.”