Amendment ID: S2739-8-R1

Redraft Amendment 8

Regional and State-Wide Soldiers' Home Councils

Messrs. Velis and Gomez, Ms. Gobi, Mr. Lesser, Ms. Comerford, Messrs. Hinds, Collins and Pacheco move that the proposed new text be amended in said section 6, in proposed subsection (a) of section 222 of chapter 6, by adding the following sentence:- “The council shall have regionally equitable membership from across the Commonwealth and at least 1 member residing in the county in which a state-operated veterans’ home is located.”. 

in said section 6, in proposed section 223 of chapter 6, by striking out subsection (a) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-

(a) There shall be a regional council for each state-operated veterans’ home in the commonwealth to represent the local community, residents and family members of each home. Each council shall consist of 9 members. Seven members shall be appointed by the executive director of veterans’ homes and housing, with the approval of the secretary of veterans’ services, not less than 3 of whom shall be veterans, not less than 4 of whom shall reflect the geographic composition of the residents of the respective veterans’ home, at least 1 of whom shall have a family member who is a resident of the respective home, at least 1 of whom shall have professional knowledge in long-term health care or geriatric health care and at least 1 of whom shall have experience in clinical services, preferably with veterans. Three of such members shall be chosen from a list of 7 persons nominated by the president of the area veterans’ service office for the region in which the respective veterans’ home is located. One member shall be appointed by the president of the veterans’ advocate committee for the respective veterans’ home and 1 member shall the president of the family advocate committee for the respective veterans’ home. Members shall serve for terms of 3 years. Upon the expiration of the term of office of a member, their successor shall be appointed in the same manner as the initial appointment. The secretary of veterans’ services may remove a member for cause at any time. The members shall vote to select a chair. The members shall serve without compensation, but may receive reasonable reimbursement for travel and expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties.”; and

in said section 6, by striking out, in line 116, the words “and (iv)” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “(iv) review and provide written comments to the executive director of veterans’ homes and housing and the secretary of veterans’ services regarding the system of governance and oversight for its respective home, which shall include all rules, regulations and laws necessary for effective management of the homes and for preserving the health and welfare of the veterans admitted to such homes; (v) review and comment on rules and regulations promulgated by the department of veterans’ services concerning its respective home; and (vi); and

in said section 6, by striking out, in line 126, the words “and (iv)” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “(iv) with members of the public, in a matter that allows for public input and participation, to discuss the implementation of new rules and regulations not less than annually; provided, however, that each council shall invite the secretary of health and human services, the Massachusetts veterans’ homes advisory council, the joint committee on veterans and federal affairs and the joint committee on public health to such public meeting; and (v)”; and

in said section 6, by striking out, in line 136, the words “and (v)” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “(v) staffing levels and future staffing recommendations at its respective home; (vi) demographics at its respective home; (vii) any other concern that the council may have; and (viii)”.

in section 6, in proposed subsection (f) of section 223 of chapter 6, by inserting after the first sentence the following sentence:- “Each state-operated veterans’ home shall provide the council with all information necessary to carry out these requirements.”; and