Amendment ID: S2801-23

Amendment 23

Competitiveness of the state tax rate on the marihuana industry

Messrs. Tarr and Timilty move that the proposed new draft be amended by inserting after section _ the following new section:-

"SECTION_.Chapter 94H is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new section:-

The Cannabis Tax Review commissions purposes is to analyze and report on the competitiveness of state tax rates on marijuana every five years. The Commission shall consist of 1 member appointed by the Cannabis Control Commission; 1 member appointed by the office of Administration and Finance; 1 member appointed by the Attorney General’s Office; 1 member appointed by the Minority leader of the Massachusetts Senate; 1 member appointed by the Minority leader of the Massachusetts House of Representatives; 1 member appointed by the Speaker of the House; 1 Member appointed by the Senate President.  Every 5 years the Commission shall report on the competitiveness of the Commonwealth’s tax rate on Marijuana and shall publish that report to the Office of Administration and Finance; the Ways and Means committees of the house and senate; and the clerks of the house and senate"