Amendment ID: S2819-111-R1

Redraft Amendment 111

Zero-Emission School Buses Grant Program

Ms. Rausch, Mr. Eldridge, Ms. Edwards, Mr. Keenan, Ms. Gobi, Ms. Lovely, Mr. Tarr and Ms. Creem move that the proposed new text be amended inserting after section 53 the following section:- 

“SECTION 53A. For purposes of this section, “zero-emission school bus” shall mean a school bus that produces no engine exhaust carbon emissions.

The department of elementary and secondary education, in consultation with the department of energy resources, shall prepare a report that analyzes: (i) the number of fossil –fuel-powered school buses in use in the commonwealth, delineated by school district; (ii) the number of zero-emission school buses in use in the commonwealth, delineated by school district; (iii) the annual cost of operation for fossil –fuel-powered school buses including, but not limited to, the cost of the purchase or contracted use of a fossil fuel-powered bus and the purchase of fossil fuels; (iv) the annual cost of operation for zero-emission school buses including, but not limited to, the cost of the purchase or contracted use of a zero-emission bus and the cost of the purchase or contracted use of charging stations and related charging infrastructure; (v) the projected cost differential between the sale or contracted use of fossil –fuel-powered and zero-emission school buses; (vi) the estimated cost to replace fossil –fuel-powered school buses with zero-emission school buses; (vii) the estimated environmental benefits of replacing fossil –fuel-powered school buses with zero-emission school buses including, but not limited to, carbon reductions and related health benefits; (viii) the number of school districts that own their school bus fleets and the number of school districts that rent, lease or contract for school bus services; (ix) recommendations on how to structure a state incentive program to replace or support the replacement of all school buses from fossil fuel powered-school buses to zero-emission school buses; and (x) additional information relevant to informing a statewide plan to replace or support the conversion of all school buses from fossil –fuel-powered school buses to zero-emission school buses. The department shall file the report with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on education, the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy and the joint committee on transportation not later than December 15, 2022.”.