Amendment ID: S2819-22-R1

Redraft Amendment 22

Coordination of Clean Energy Procurement

Messrs. Finegold and O'Connor, Ms. Moran and Mr. Tarr move that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 50 the following section:-

"SECTION 50A. The department of energy resources shall study and make recommendations to the general court on the potential costs and benefits of coordinating with other New England states undertaking competitive solicitation for approximately 1,750,000 megawatt hours of long-term clean energy generation. In developing its recommendations, the department shall consider the ability of such solicitation to: (i) provide enhanced electricity reliability in the commonwealth and the region; (ii) provide cost-effective clean energy to electric ratepayers in the commonwealth and the region over the term of the contract, taking into consideration the potential economic and environmental benefits to ratepayers; (iii) avoid line loss and mitigate transmission costs to the extent possible and ensure that transmission cost overruns, if any, are not borne by ratepayers in the commonwealth or the region; (iv) adequately demonstrate project viability in a commercially-reasonable timeframe; (v) mitigate environmental impacts; and (vi) where feasible, create and foster employment and economic development in the commonwealth and in New England states. The department shall submit its recommendations to the clerks of the senate and house of representatives and the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy not later than September 1, 2022.”.