Amendment ID: S2819-70

Amendment 70

Enabling the quick connection of solar panels to the grid

Mr. Lewis, Ms. DiZoglio, Messrs. Lesser, Moore, Eldridge and Gomez, Ms. Comerford, Messrs. Feeney and Brady move that the proposed new text be amended by adding the following section:-

"SECTION X. chapter 164 of the general laws are hereby amended by inserting, after section 139A, the following section:-

Section 139B. (a) An electric distribution company shall have not more than 30 days to begin connecting solar panels to the electric grid after receiving a request, provided that the solar panels are installed correctly and there are no other state or federal laws or regulations preventing said connection.

(b) An electric distribution company may submit a hardship waiver to the department within 20 days of receiving a request to connect solar panels to the electric grid if it cannot begin the project within 30 days. Hardship waivers may be granted to the electric distribution company for the following reasons:

(i) Mass power outages caused by a single event;

(ii) Documented workforce or resource shortages;

(iii) Limitations to the electrical grid; or

(iv) Any state or federal law or regulation that prevents connection of the solar panels to the electrical grid.

(c) The department shall make a decision on whether to grant a hardship waiver to the requesting electric distribution company within 10 days of receiving the hardship waiver request. The department may set a reasonable timeline for the electric distribution company to connect the solar panels to the electrical grid upon approving any hardship waiver request."