Amendment ID: S2989-108-R1

Redraft Amendment 108

Fare free bus pilot

Ms. Jehlen, Messrs. Feeney and Moore, Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Eldridge and Keenan, Ms. Moran, Ms. Rausch, Ms. Gobi, Mr. DiDomenico and Ms. Edwards move that the proposed new text be amended in section 2F, in item 6720-2261, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $6,950,000 shall be expended for the operation of fare-free bus pilot programs  to be administered by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the regional transit authorities”; and

by striking out the figure “$1,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$7,950,000”.