Budget Amendment ID: FY2022-S3-21-R1

Redraft TRP 21

Berkshire Flyer PAC

Mr. Hinds moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 36 the following 2 sections:-

SECTION 36A. Said item 1595-6368 of said section 2E of said chapter 41, as so amended, is hereby amended by inserting after the words “Berkshire Flyer”, the first time it appears, the following words:- "including for the costs of the employment of a project manager for the Berkshire Flyer seasonal rail service.”.

SECTION 36B. Item 1595-6368 of section 2E of chapter 41 of the acts of 2019 is hereby further amended by striking out the figure "2021", inserted by section 28 of chapter 201 of the acts of 2020, and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- 2022.