Budget Amendment ID: FY2022-S3-683

ECO 683

Biotech Research Institute

Ms. Chandler, Messrs. Moore and O'Connor and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7007-0500, by inserting after item 7007-0300 the following item:

"7007-0500 For the operation and maintenance of the Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives, Inc., for the commercialization of new, academic-based research and development and raising the scientific awareness of the communities of the commonwealth; provided, that the institute, in collaboration with the office of business development, shall expend not less than $250,000 for initiatives to increase diversity in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology in the commonwealth; provided further, that such initiatives may include, but shall not be limited to: (a) investments in minority-owned businesses; (b) grants to school districts with significant minority student populations for the development of curricula, purchase of equipment and the provision of internships; (c) planning and implementation of strategies to recruit, develop and retain a diverse workforce in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology; and (d) identifying structural and cultural obstacles to the full inclusion of diverse population in the life sciences and biotechnology field, along with recommendations for removing those obstacles; provided further, that not later than January 31, 2022, the institute shall issue a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on the development, implementation and success of these initiatives, including the disbursement of funds to specific entities as defined in this item; and provided further, that the institute shall seek out private funds necessary to match contributions equal to $1 for every $1 contributed by this item ............... $750,000".