Amendment ID: S3018-315

Amendment 315

Limit Upfront Housing Costs

Mr. Eldridge and Ms. Rausch move that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 163 the following section:-

"SECTION 164. Section 15B of chapter 186 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out subsection (1)(b) and inserting in placeĀ  thereof the following subsection:-

(b) At or prior to the commencement of any tenancy, no lessor may require a tenant or prospective tenant to pay any amount in excess of (i) rent for the first full month of occupancy; and (ii) rent for the last full month of occupancy calculated at the same rate as the first month or a security deposit equal to the first month's rent provided that such security deposit is deposited as required by subsection (3) and that the tenant is given the statement of condition as required by subsection (2); and (iii) the purchase and installation cost for a key and lock."