Budget Amendment ID: FY2023-S4-97-R1
Redraft ENV 97
Access to Green Energy
Ms. Moran, Messrs. Cyr, Tarr and Pacheco and Ms. Creem moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 55 the following section:-
“SECTION 55A. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, not later than January 1, 2024, any electric distribution company or municipal aggregator with a certified efficiency plan may submit proposed low and moderate-income whole building efficiency, electrification and greenhouse gas emission reduction offerings to a limited number of participants within the low and moderate income customer groups to the department of public utilities for review. The offerings shall: (i) promote the adoption of whole building energy efficiency measures, including weatherization; (ii) require full displacement of fossil fuel heating and cooling equipment and fossil fuel cooking appliances, excluding outdoor grills; and (iii) promote adoption and installation of onsite renewable energy generation and energy storage. A renewable energy facility funded by the offerings made under this section shall be designated as a “qualifying facility” as defined in 220 CMR 8.02. The offerings shall be designed to encourage customers to lower energy consumption, reduce demand, improve customer resiliency or reduce use of the distribution system.
(b) Costs incurred under this section may be recovered through the funding sources authorized by subsection (a) of section 19 of chapter 25 of the General Laws.
(c) Not later than August 1, 2028, the department shall file a report detailing the results of the offerings under this section, including: (i) an analysis of costs, benefits and scalability of the offerings; and (ii) recommendations for legislative changes to any energy efficiency and renewable energy generation incentive programs. The report shall be filed with the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives, the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy and the house and senate committees on ways and means.”.