FILED ON: 11/2/2023

HOUSE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  No. 4160

Substituted, on motion of Mr. Walsh of Peabody, for a bill with the same title (House No. 3286).  November 2, 2023.


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts



In the One Hundred and Ninety-Third General Court



An Act to designate a certain bridge in the town of Lexington in honor of Henry N. “Hank” Manz.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Massachusetts Department of Transportation bridge number L-10-010 on state highway route 2A, Marrett road spanning interstate highway route 95 in the town of Lexington shall be designated and known as the Henry N. “Hank” Manz bridge in honor of his outstanding commitment to the community. Henry N. “Hank” Manz, 1942 – 2020, is remembered with great respect and affection by the citizens of Lexington, the commonwealth of Massachusetts, the 97 Eagle Scouts he mentored, the in-house hockey league he created and, most importantly, by his family and friends. Hank was a veteran who proudly served his country in active duty for 11 years in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. Hank served his community of Lexington for decades including as Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts Troop 160 for 17 years and as a youth hockey commissioner for 20 years. Hank served as a Lexington select board member for 9 years and as a town meeting member for 26 years. He later served on various town committees such as the transportation advisory committee and the zoning board of appeals. Hank was honored with the White Tricorne Hat Award in 2018, Lexington’s most prestigious award reserved for extraordinary community servants. Hank is fondly remembered in Lexington and beyond for his good and wry humor, tremendous work ethic, selfless dedication, devotion to local government and unwavering commitment to those around him. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation shall erect and maintain suitable markers bearing this designation in compliance with the standards of the department.