Amendment #336 to H3900
YMCA Youth-At-Risk Grants
Ms. Barber of Somerville moves to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 4590-1507, in line 4, by inserting after “youth” the following: “provided further, that the department shall award not less than $2,800,000 to the Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs, Inc. which shall be distributed between the alliance’s member organizations” and in said item by striking out the figures “$2,550,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$5,350,000”;
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #336 to H3900
YMCA Youth-At-Risk Grants
Representative: |
Kelly W. Pease |
Susan Williams Gifford |
Patricia A. Duffy |
Steven Ultrino |
Lindsay N. Sabadosa |
Tram T. Nguyen |
Susannah M. Whipps |
David Paul Linsky |
Paul McMurtry |
John Barrett, III |
Steven S. Howitt |
Bradley H. Jones, Jr. |
Hannah Kane |
Adrian C. Madaro |
Antonio F. D. Cabral |
Brian M. Ashe |
Samantha Montaño |
Richard M. Haggerty |
Donald H. Wong |
James C. Arena-DeRosa |
Kate Lipper-Garabedian |
Edward R. Philips |
Mathew J. Muratore |
Bruce J. Ayers |
Russell E. Holmes |
William C. Galvin |
Christopher M. Markey |
Michelle M. DuBois |
Thomas M. Stanley |
David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf |
Tackey Chan |
Smitty Pignatelli |
Daniel M. Donahue |
Tricia Farley-Bouvier |
Michael P. Kushmerek |
Carlos González |
Jerald A. Parisella |
Ryan M. Hamilton |
Mike Connolly |
Carmine Lawrence Gentile |
David K. Muradian, Jr. |
Denise C. Garlick |
James J. O'Day |
Natalie M. Higgins |
Daniel Cahill |
Angelo L. D'Emilia |
Kevin G. Honan |
Kip A. Diggs |
Jack Patrick Lewis |
Brandy Fluker Oakley |
Thomas P. Walsh |
Manny Cruz |
F. Jay Barrows |
Dylan A. Fernandes |
Kay Khan |