Amendment #498 to H3900

Improvements to HomeBASE

Ms. Barber of Somerville moves to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 7004-0108, by striking the figures “$20,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$30,000”; and by inserting after the phrase “24-month period from this item”, the following: “provided further, the department shall provide household assistance in an amount up to $15,000, or a higher cap established in line item 7004-0108, for subsequent 12-month periods to eligible families;” and by striking out the following: “provided further, that so long as they meet the requirements of their housing stabilization plan, a family that received household assistance under this item whose income increases shall not become ineligible for assistance due to exceeding the income limit for the first 12 months from the date their income initially increased;” and inserting in place thereof the following: “provided further, that so long as they meet the requirements of their housing stabilization plan, a family that received household assistance under this item whose income increases shall not become ineligible for assistance due to exceeding the income limit;”; and by inserting at the end the following: “prior appropriation continued”.


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #498 to H3900

Improvements to HomeBASE


Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Steven Ultrino

Tram T. Nguyen

Susannah M. Whipps

Paul McMurtry

Samantha Montaño

Russell E. Holmes

David M. Rogers

Michelle M. DuBois

David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf

Erika Uyterhoeven

Tackey Chan

Orlando Ramos

Kay Khan

Adam Scanlon

Carlos González

Mike Connolly

Adrian C. Madaro

Patricia A. Duffy

Natalie M. Higgins

Kevin G. Honan

Jennifer Balinsky Armini

Christopher Hendricks

Tommy Vitolo

Mary S. Keefe

Vanna Howard

James J. O'Day

Chynah Tyler

Mathew J. Muratore

Mindy Domb

Marjorie C. Decker