Amendment #1 to H4135

Additional Reporting Requirements

Mr. Muradian of Grafton moves to amend the bill by striking out section 42 and inserting in place thereof the following section:


“SECTION 42. Said chapter 140 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out section 122B and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

122B. (a) The department of criminal justice information services in collaboration with the executive office of public safety and security and the executive office of technology services and security, shall collect, assemble, and publish data and other information relating to the use of firearms in the commonwealth.

(b) State and local agencies, including but not limited to the department of the state police, licensing authorities, all district attorney offices within the commonwealth, and other criminal justice agencies as defined in section 167 of chapter 6, shall provide timely access to information requested by the department of criminal justice information services pursuant to this section.

(c) The department of criminal justice information services shall make non-personally identifying data accessible to the general public through the publication of an online dashboard updated at least quarterly. This dashboard shall include but shall not be limited to:

(1) the following aggregate data on the issuance of firearm licenses and permits pursuant to sections 124 to 124B, inclusive, of chapter 140:

(i) the age, gender, race, ethnicity, and municipality of applicants for a license to carry;

(ii) the age, gender, race, ethnicity, and municipality of individuals whose applications for a license to carry were denied;

(iii) the age, gender, race, ethnicity, and municipality of applicants for a long gun permit; and

(iv) the age, gender, race, ethnicity, and municipality of individuals whose applications for a long gun permit were denied; and

(2)  the following aggregate data on firearm-related violence, including but not limited to firearm-involved crimes and attempted or completed suicides using firearms:

(i) the type of firearm-involved violence (e.g., attempted or completed suicide, homicide, accidental shooting, other firearm-involved crime);

(ii) the age, gender, race, ethnicity of the firearm user;

(iii) the age, gender, race, ethnicity of any victims of firearm-involved violence;

(iv) the geographic location of the firearm-involved violence;

(v) the firearms license status of the firearm user;

(vi) whether the firearm user, at the time of the incident, would be considered a prohibited person as described in section 123 of;

(vii) whether the firearm user was arrested as a result of the incident;

(viii) whether the firearm user was charged with a mandatory minimum and the disposition of the charge;

(ix) the disposition of any prosecution;

(x) whether the firearm was used in connection with known gang activity, a domestic dispute, or police interaction;

(xi) the make, model, manufacturer, and state or country of origin of the involved firearm;

(xii) the origin, source and secondary market of the involved firearm, including whether it was purchased from a licensed dealer or private seller;

(xiii) whether the involved firearm was lost, stolen or otherwise illegally obtained; and

(xiv) whether the involved firearm was untraceable or a privately made firearm, including the manner in which it was produced.

(d) the department of criminal justice information services, in coordination with the executive office of public safety and security, shall promulgate rules and regulations to ensure prompt collection, exchange, and publication the firearm licensing information under this section.”

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1 to H4135

Additional Reporting Requirements


Bradley H. Jones, Jr.

Hannah Kane